Reinsurance Indexing Platform

T.R.I.P. is Transamerica's digital repository of their Reinsurance contracts and it eliminates many steps in their manual process.

  • Client: Transamerica
  • Project: Design
  • Tools: Sketch
  • Completed: March 2019
Invision (PW: 1234)  

Transamerica Reinsurance Indexing Platform (T.R.I.P.)

Insurance company such as Transamerica often have multiple versions of their reinsurance contracts with the reinsurers and it can be a tedious process to manage them manually. TRIP is a cutting edge digital platform for Insurtech which helps the insurance company move away from physical contracts management.


Kichinto Seiri - neat and proper in Japanese, symbolises the effectiveness of the platform to execute the tasks orderly.



Quick overview of the latest contracts and a feed of the changelog.

Contracts Listing

Full list of the contracts for easy filtering and quick actions.


New Contract

Adding a new contract starts with filling in the primary metadata.

Uploading Documents

The documents uploaded will go through Optical Character Recognition process to digitally extract the content.


Contract View

Details of a contract can be viewed and commented upon, versions of the same contract can also be accessed.


The digital copy of the document can be viewed side by side with the function to search for keywords.


Search Result

The results of the contract search will return a list of contracts that matches the search term.